About the Sioux Falls Jaycees
The Sioux Falls Jaycees are a 501c3 nonprofit serving the Sioux Falls community. As Jaycees, we have the ability and opportunity to make a great difference in our community and in ourselves. The Junior Chamber (Jaycees) is a leadership training and community service organization for men and women between the ages of 18 and 40, affiliated with the parent organization JCI International. Members of the Sioux Falls Junior Chamber are truly a part of a legacy of unselfish caring and giving at its best. Our members provide our community with the never-ending spirit, ingenuity and drive that have become cornerstone characteristics of this organization.
Meeting Information
All meetings are held at the Non-Profit Center: 1000 N. West Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104.
Board of Director’s Meeting
Open to chapter and community members. However, only board members may vote.
General Membership Meeting
All Sioux Falls Jaycees members are encouraged to attend and voice your opinions. Bring ideas for new projects and fundraisers as well! These meetings are open to the public; however, only members of the Sioux Falls Jaycees may vote. Become a member today!
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are currently on hold due to Covid-19. If you would like to meet with our board of directors, please contact us!
Our Mission
To provide young people the opportunity to develop personal and leadership skills through local community services and organizational involvement while expanding the Jaycee movement.
How are we different from other nonprofits?
Jaycee members take initiative to create leadership opportunities through community service. More than a one-time donation or service opportunity, we focus on creating a local impact by developing active citizens into future leaders. It only takes one active citizen to change the world. Be that active citizen today and become a member!
What does our organization do?
- We build active citizens.
- We build relationships.
- We build sustainable communities.
- We build leaders.
- We are the building blocks of active citizens.
How do we do this?
- Leadership development through Community Impact Projects
- Training
- Advocating for causes
- Adhering to best business practices at all levels of our association
- Providing members leadership opportunities at all levels of governance including committees, projects, and chapters.
Our Concept
We believe that three functions are essential for the Jaycee Concept to be a reality: Management Development, Individual Development and Community Development programs.
Management Development
If a chapter is badly managed, it may suffer from lack of organization, morale, pride, fiscal stability or recognition as a credible group.
Individual Development
When a Jaycee chapter does not offer self-improvement programs like Personal Dynamics, Leadership Dynamics, Communication Dynamics, Speak-Up or Family Life Development, it fails to provide an individual member with the most unique tools available within the Jaycees for pursuit of personal goals.
Community Development
When a chapter rests solely on its record of community development programs, it may lack the cohesive stability of a well-mannered organization. exhaust the leadership currently available or fail to provide for the development of emerging Jaycees. The beneficiaries, when such a cohesive combination of chapter functions complement each other, are the individual member and the community.
Only then is it possible to “develop the whole member through the whole chapter” and realize the worth of this total Jaycee Concept.